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What is Seat Valve ?
2023-08-11 17:18:29

Seat valveand ball valves are both valves used to control the flow and regulation of fluids, but their structures and working principles are different and suitable for different scenarios.

A seat valve is a device that achieves fluid control by changing the size and direction of the fluid channel. It mainly consists of components such as valve body, valve core, spring, and sealing ring. The valve core changes the size and direction of the fluid channel inside the valve body through force, thereby controlling the flow rate and pressure of the fluid.

The workflow of the seat valve can be divided into two stages. Firstly, when the valve core is in a closed state, the fluid channel inside the valve body is blocked and fluid cannot pass through. Secondly, when the valve core is pushed or pulled, the channels inside the valve body will open and the fluid will begin to flow.