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What is withstand voltage? pressure difference?
2024-06-19 14:04:36

1. Withstand Voltage

"Withstand voltage" is an abbreviation of "withstand voltage value" in practical applications, and is a polysemous word.

In electrical engineering, withstand voltage value refers to the highest voltage value that electrical equipment or electronic components can withstand, also known as "withstand voltage" or "breakdown voltage". It indicates the voltage range in which the equipment or component can work normally. Exceeding this range may cause equipment damage or failure.

In material mechanics, withstand voltage refers to the limit pressure that can be borne per unit cross-sectional area when pressure is applied to it at a certain speed until it is destroyed.

In addition, for PP materials and PA66 materials, withstand voltage refers to the pressure range that each of them can withstand. PP materials have a narrow range of pressure, generally between 11 and 34 MPa; while PA66 materials have a larger pressure tolerance, and the pressure range that can be borne is generally between 72 and 80 MPa.

2. Pressure difference

refers to the pressure difference between two points in the systemits expression is △P=P1-P2. Specifically, when there are two points A and B, the pressure at point A is P1, and the pressure at point B is P2, the pressure difference between point A and point B is the difference between P1 and P2.

The pressure difference can also be used to measure the flow rate of a fluid through a pipe of a certain diameter. When the flow rate increases, the pressure difference will also increase accordingly.

In addition, the pressure difference can also be used to describe the minimum difference between the input voltage and the output voltage when the output voltage can maintain a normal working state.