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What is the working pressure of the valve body?
2024-07-08 13:33:57

The working pressure of the valve body refers to the maximum pressure that the valve can withstand under normal working conditions.

Specifically, the working pressure of the valve must be tested and verified under the design and usage conditions of the valve to ensure that it can meet practical requirements. At the same time, in order to ensure the sealing and strength of the valve under conditions exceeding the working pressure, hydraulic or pneumatic testing is usually carried out, and the pressure used in this test is called the valve test pressure. Generally speaking, the valve test pressure is 1.5 times or higher than the working pressure.

When selecting a valve, it is necessary to determine the required working pressure range based on actual working conditions, and select the valve type and material that meets the requirements. For example, gray cast iron is suitable for low-pressure valves with a working temperature between -15~+200 ℃ and a nominal pressure PN ≤ 1.6 MPa; Austenitic stainless steel is suitable for valves in corrosive media with operating temperatures between -196~+600 ℃.